How to Create a Consistent Brand Voice for Your Sustainable Tech Company



According to recent McKinney reviews, 93% of companies now have at least one Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) dimension. With the new SEC regulations on sustainability, it's more important than ever for B2B tech companies to be sustainable. This presents a big opportunity for sustainable tech companies.

But many of them struggle to articulate their brand. They often don't have a strong and consistent brand voice that matches their values and objectives.

This article will walk you through creating a sustainable brand voice and why having a brand voice is key for sustainable tech companies. Whether you're just starting out or looking to fine-tune your existing approach, understanding your brand voice can change how your company is seen by the world.

Understanding the Importance of a Strong Brand Voice

Brand voice gives your business a unique personality. This personality allows your business to be recognizable and memorable to your target audience. Consistent use of a unique voice builds a presence that customers can associate with your brand. Here are other reasons a strong brand voice is important for you

Trust and Credibility

Consistency across all touchpoints is key to building trust with your audience. Customers see you as reliable and trustworthy when they see the same tone and message everywhere. This predictability gives them confidence in what to expect from you and your products or services. Trust is key to loyalty; a strong, consistent voice locks that in.

Emotional Connection

A well-defined brand voice can evoke specific emotions, creating a deeper connection with your audience. By aligning your voice with the values and sentiments of your target market, you foster an emotional bond beyond transactions. This connection can lead to increased customer loyalty and long-term relationships, as customers feel understood and valued by your brand.

Brand Recognition

A brand voice is just as recognizable as a logo or visual identity. Whether through social media, emails, or advertising, a strong voice means your audience can instantly know it's you. This recognition increases your brand awareness and makes your message more impactful, and you stay on top of the minds of your customers.

Internal Communication

A clear and consistent brand voice is an organization's internal communication framework. It guides employees to communicate in a way that's on brand with company's values and personality. This means less chances of mixed messages and all departments are on the same page, internally and externally.

Marketing Effectiveness

A unified brand voice makes marketing campaigns more effective. It means all marketing materials – digital ads, print media, or social posts – have the same tone and style so your campaigns are more cohesive and impactful. This consistency reinforces your message and makes your marketing more effective at reaching and influencing your audience.

Key Characteristics of an Effective Brand Voice in Sustainable Tech Company

 Transparency is one of the primary characteristics of a sustainable tech company's brand voice. It means being open and honest about what your company does, what you're trying to achieve, and what the challenges are. Transparency shows your  commitment to sustainability isn't just a marketing tactic but a part of your values. Other characteristics include


Technology and sustainability are complicated, so the brand voice should educate and inform. It involves explaining how technologies work, what the sustainability benefits are, and how they compare to less sustainable alternatives. Providing data and engaging your audience with current research helps build credibility.


A sustainable tech brand voice should be inspiring and positive. Their tone should be hopeful and show how the company's innovations are making the future better. It should be able to encourage consumers and other stakeholders to join the sustainability journey and talk about collective action and individual choices.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Sustainable tech companies should be knowledgeable about environmental issues and their audience's concerns. This should be articulated in the brand voice. A company that has an empathetic brand voice will connect better with their audience and make them feel heard and valued.


Whether a tech or a non-tech company, nobody likes a company that's unstable with policies and branding. You must ensure that your messaging reflects your core sustainable practices across all platforms and content, whether website, social media, or advertising. Consistency helps to build trust and authenticity.


The sustainability tech company brand voice should be inviting so customers can leave honest feedback and be willing to dialogue with them without fearing lawsuits or victimization. Most customers aren't shy about giving feedback about a product. Sustainability companies can use social media to provide this feedback. The beauty of having an engaging brand voice is that it builds a company community. When a brand has a community, it reduces customer acquisition costs and has free brand ambassadors that use User-generated content and word of mouth to promote the brand.


Adaptability is the ability of a brand voice to evolve due to changes in market dynamics and consumer preferences. However, this doesn't negate brand consistency; it is just a reminder that a sustainable company should be willing to accept changes and adapt to new trends to prevent being left behind. Nokia a leading phone manufacturing company suffered when it failed to adapt to changing trends, illustrating the importance of flexibility in a tech company. The CEO cried during their acquisition by Microsoft; he said," We did nothing wrong, but we lost." This shows how important adaptability is to sustainable tech companies.

7 Steps to Develop Your Sustainable Tech Brand Voice

Building a brand voice isn't a day, week, or month job. Creating a brand voice that truly reflects your company is a long-term process that requires time, patience, and continuous evaluation. The good news is that the more time and thought you put into shaping your brand voice, the stronger and more unique your brand will be. Here are 7 actionable steps to build your sustainable tech brand voice

1. Define your core values.

The foundation for developing your brand voice is to identify your core values. Your values should include your innovation, environmental responsibility, and social impact; your core values should serve as a guide in decision and policy-making and internal and external communication.

If you can't articulate your core values, you can get input from your team and stakeholders. You can also run workshops and engage the community to get clarity about your values. These values should be seen across all touch points of your company so customers who share the same values can identify with you.

2. Understand your audience

For you to build a brand, you must understand your target audience perfectly. To get the picture of your audience, you'll have to design a customer persona. The customer persona is a fictitious representation of a large segment of your audience.

The customer persona contains (i)Who your customers are, (ii) The problem they want to solve, (iii) Emotions and goals, and (iv) motivation, feedback, and psychographic information. It's important you do robust research to prevent developing a brand voice for the wrong audience.

3. Define and Communicate Your Brand Position

Brand positioning is the unique value that your brand offers to its customers. It conveys your brand identity and, most importantly, your unique value proposition, which is a primary reason customers will choose you over other brands. To get the best from brand positioning, (your offering), which could be your product or service, you should focus on your areas of strength and uniqueness and it must be realistic so you don't end up over-promising and under-delivering.

4. Analyze your Competitors

Looking up your competition gives you insight into what resonates with your shared audience and where you can differentiate. Here's how to do a competitive analysis using tools and strategies

· Social Media Intelligence: Sprout Social, Buzzsumo, and Hoot Suite help track competitors' social media presence. It tracks metrics like shares, engagement, content themes, conversations, and posts. These metrics will give you insight into the voice tones and content styles that get your audience hooked.

· Competitors advertising: Tools like Moat or Adbeat give you a peek into your competitor's ad strategies, creativity, and messaging. See how they talk about value, customer pain points, and emotions. This will inspire you to create ad campaigns that break away from the norm.

· Direct Content Monitoring: If possible, subscribe to competitors' newsletters to get their latest updates and read their blog posts. Doing this gives you first-hand experience of how your competitors nurture their audience and articulate their brand voice and values. From this insight, you can get opportunities for brand-differentiating

· Synthesize and Differentiate: Combine these insights with customer feedback and market trends. Look for patterns and gaps. Use this to create a brand voice that's distinct and aligned with your core values and audience needs. Be authentic and memorable, and position your brand as a leader and innovator in your space.

5. Develop a Brand Voice Chart

A brand voice chart helps you maintain consistency across all touchpoints. This chart should outline the key characteristics of your brand voice so everyone on your team knows how to communicate.

· Tone: You have to decide on the overall brand tone. Depending on your brand, it can either be formal or informal or friendly and authoritative. For example, if you want the brand to be perceived as knowledgeable and still approachable, you will want to go for an informal tone.

· Language: You must define the language your brand will communicate with; this shouldn't be confused with the tone.  Will you use industry-specific jargon or simpler terms that resonate with the broader audience?

· Style: Your writing style is also crucial. Depending on your audience, you can decide to opt for the conversational style, which is widely used technical or data-driven. But the emphasis must be on your audience. You must identify the writing style that appeals to them most.

6. Develop Brand Guidelines

Your brand guidelines are like a manual that guides how your brand looks and feels. It should contain your brand voice chart, usage of logos, color palettes, imagery, typography, mission statement, and brand identity. For your sustainable tech firms, your brand guidelines ensure your messages, both content and visuals, align with your sustainability goals.

7. Monitor and Adapt

 Be open to feedback and monitor your communication across your communication channels to ensure uniformity of brand voice. Be flexible and be willing to incorporate feedback from the latest trends, competitive analysis, or target audience.

How to Maintain Consistency in Your Brand Voice Across All Channels

Maintaining consistency in your brand voice across all channels is crucial for building a strong, recognizable brand. Here are some steps to help you achieve this:

Create a Comprehensive Brand Style Guide

Create your brand style guide on paper for clarity purposes. You can print this guide or preferably have a digital format. As we mentioned previously. your brand style guide should include your tone, style, language, typography, color pallets and visual elements

Educate Your Team

Every member of your team should be able to articulate your brand voice. If it's possible, create a unit dedicated to maintaining your brand. They will be responsible for content creation, publishing, brand auditing, and the consistency of information across different channels. However, it's crucial to conduct regular training and provide resources to keep updated with changes because of the volatility in the industry.

Use Content Templates

Develop templates for content you post regularly ( for example, a swipe file for your email, social media, and blog post). This will help maintain consistency and make content production and fine-tuning your brand voice easier.

Foster Cross-Channel Integration

Use omnichannel marketing to promote your brand across all channels - website, social media, email, customer service. It creates a seamless experience for your audience no matter how they interact with your brand and ensures your brand's voice is consistent, consequently improving customer satisfaction.

You can track how well your audience is receiving your brand voice with social media monitoring tools, website analytics, and Net Promoter Score ( NPS). By following these steps, you can maintain a consistent brand voice tailored for your business across all channels, helping to build a strong, recognizable brand that resonates with your audience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Developing a Brand Voice

Creating and maintaining a consistent brand voice can be challenging, especially for companies in the rapidly evolving sustainable tech industry. Avoiding these common pitfalls will ensure your brand voice remains effective, authentic, and relevant.

1. Inconsistency Across Platforms
One of the biggest mistakes a brand can make is using different tones or styles across platforms. For example, a company may adopt a professional, technical voice on its website but use a casual, informal tone on social media. This inconsistency can confuse your audience, making it difficult for them to understand who you are and what you stand for.

Tip: Create detailed brand voice guidelines that outline how your tone and language should be adapted (if at all) across platforms like your website, social media, customer service emails, and blog. Ensure that everyone who contributes to content creation is familiar with these guidelines.

2. Overuse of Jargon
Sustainable tech companies often deal with complex technologies and scientific concepts. While industry-specific terms and technical jargon may seem necessary, overloading your content with difficult-to-understand language can alienate non-expert audiences.

Tip: Focus on simplicity and clarity. While some level of technical language may be required, always prioritize making your content accessible. Avoid using jargon unless it is essential, and if you do, provide clear explanations or definitions.

3. Ignoring Audience Feedback
Your brand voice is not static—it should evolve based on how your audience responds to your messaging. Failing to listen to feedback, whether positive or negative, can result in your voice becoming disconnected from your audience’s expectations. For example, if customers express confusion or disinterest in your messaging, it may be time to adjust your tone or content strategy.

Tip: Actively seek out feedback through surveys, social media engagement, and direct interactions with customers. Use this feedback to regularly assess how your brand voice is being received and where adjustments may be necessary.

4. Being Inauthentic
To compete, some companies try to mimic the brand voice of successful competitors. This approach rarely works because it lacks authenticity. Audiences can sense when a brand is being disingenuous, which can damage trust and credibility. Your brand voice should be a natural reflection of your company’s values and personality, not a copy of someone else’s.

Tip: Stay true to your company’s mission and values when crafting your brand voice. Authenticity resonates more deeply with consumers, especially in the sustainable tech sector, where integrity and trust are highly valued.

5. Neglecting Updates
A brand voice should evolve as your company grows and adapts to changes in the industry. However, one common mistake is allowing the brand voice to remain static, even when the market and consumer expectations are shifting.

Tip: Regularly audit your brand voice to ensure it aligns with the latest developments in your company and industry. Update your messaging guidelines to incorporate new values, services, or innovations. This keeps your communications fresh and relevant.

Examples of Successful Brand Voices in Sustainability

These brand voice examples demonstrate how various companies communicate their commitment to environmental and social responsibility while resonating with different audiences.

1: Watershed

Brand Voice Traits: Data-driven, authoritative, innovative

Watershed focuses on carbon emissions tracking and reduction for businesses. Their brand voice is authoritative yet approachable, providing clear data-driven insights that empower companies to take actionable steps toward sustainability. Their communication emphasizes transparency and collaboration, inviting clients to join them in the fight against climate change.

2: Rondo Energy

Brand Voice Traits: Optimistic, pioneering, educational

Rondo Energy is a technology company revolutionizing energy storage solutions. Their voice is optimistic and pioneering, aiming to educate their audience about the benefits of their innovative thermal energy storage technology. By focusing on the long-term impact of their solutions, Rondo Energy inspires clients to embrace sustainable energy practices.

3: Lowercarbon Capital

Brand Voice Traits: Optimistic, forward-thinking, bold
Lowercarbon Capital, a venture capital firm focused on combating climate change, has a distinct brand voice that exudes optimism and a bold approach to sustainability. Their messaging is both fearless and visionary, appealing to innovators and entrepreneurs who are working on groundbreaking solutions to climate issues. They use strong, sometimes cheeky language to hammer home the need to act on climate change. They use words such as "unf**k the planet" to get across their no-bullet approach to investing in companies that reduce carbon.

Key Takeaway: Lowercarbon Capital’s brand voice works because it strikes a balance between seriousness and optimism. By maintaining a confident, hopeful, and action-oriented voice, they inspire trust and excitement in their audience—both entrepreneurs looking for investment and consumers interested in climate tech solutions. Their consistent messaging across all platforms builds credibility and distinguishes them as leaders who are tackling climate change with innovative solutions and fearless determination.


The Sprout Social Index™ report shows that some brands stand out more than others because of three key reasons:

· 40% of consumers remember them for their content.

· 33% appreciate their distinct brand personality.

· 32% are drawn to their storytelling.

All three of these depend on a unique brand voice. Without it, you can't have memorable content, a distinct personality, or compelling storytelling.

Of course, developing a compelling brand voice can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. Engaging with professionals who specialize in brand development can streamline the journey and ensure your brand voice is unique and effective.

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